Autogem to talk at two seminars at this year’s upcoming Automechanika Birmingham


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Netið aldur hefur fært mikil röskun á smásölu umhverfi með hraðri viðskiptavæðingu á hlutum og þjónustu í för með sér raunveruleg ógn við hefðbundna bílum aftermarket.

Framkvæmdastjóri Autogem og National Tire Distributor Association formaður, Prashant Chopra tekur þig á tengd verkstæði ferð þar sem ímyndunaraflið er eina takmörkun til að bæta viðskiptavini varðveisla.


Date: Tuesday June 5th

Time: 2:30:00 PM – 3:00:00 PM

Location: Aftermarket Seminar Theatre, Hall 20, Stand D77


But that’s not all…..


Completing the Customer Journey: Tales from TPMS Technical Support


A key ingredient of any technical product or service is the after sales support that enables the user to capitalise on the potential revenue opportunities presented to them.

With decades of experience within the automotive industry and more than 10 years specialising in Tyre Pressure Monitoring Systems, Autogem share a technical support journey, outlining why this has been integral to their success.


Date: Wednesday 6th June

Time: 10:00:00 AM – 10:30:00 AM

Location: Technical Talks Theatre, part of the Workshop Training Hub, Hall 19, Stand Q145


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